The cafeteria workers at RHS spend countless hours every week ensuring that everyone at school has access to fresh, delicious meals. They are a vital part of our school, giving hundreds of students the fuel they need to get through the school day.
Their work load is bigger than it seems. To have school breakfasts and lunches ready on time, some staff members must arrive as early as 6 a.m. and prep food for hours.
In addition to preparing and serving food, our cafeteria workers do many things behind the scenes that students may not even consider. This includes lifting and moving heavy boxes of food, which is physically demanding. They also must rigorously clean every day to make sure the kitchen stays spotless.
Even with all the work on their many plates, they remain friendly and never fail to put smiles on students’ faces. “The cafeteria workers are always there to help, wish you a nice weekend or just be friendly people you can rely on,” freshman Jonah Weinerman said.
Recognizing the value of cafeteria staff everywhere, the School Nutrition Association has established a national School Lunch Hero Day on May 2, where high schools can show appreciation for their food service workers.
On this celebratory day, students around the country give these essential staffers handmade cards and small gifts, make public announcements of appreciation, decorate the cafeteria in their honor and share positive messages any way they can.
RHS should celebrate this day as well, since we’re lucky that our own food service staffers are such caring people who love to make us smile. If we started planning now, we could really make their day on May 2, just like they make ours on a regular basis.
“I do think the lunch staff should be recognized for their hard work,” sophomore Paul Postorino said. “They always have a positive attitude, and on top of that, they keep the line moving. They also always have good snacks and fresh cookies or brownies.”
Sure, a May 2 celebration would be great, but even a small gesture of thanks would do the trick. So, the next time we see our favorite RHS cafeteria staffer, let’s make sure to thank them for their tireless work, as they are clearly an essential part of our high school.