The RHS Drama Club performed a sensory-friendly edition of the 2024 fall play, “The Unsinkable Molly Brown,” for students with disabilities...
The talented members of the RHS Chamber Choir, Treble Choir and Acapella performed alongside a slew of soloists in a magical staging of the annual...
“The Unsinkable Molly Brown” is set for a successful opening night performance, tonight, Thursday, Nov. 14, thanks in part to the talent...
Seniors in English teacher Angeline Stierch’s classes spent two days assembling bagged lunches for residents of homeless shelters in Newark...
RHS will offer its third Zero Period of the year this coming Tuesday, Dec. 10. For the past four years, Zero Periods, which are held during the...
As the final whistle blew on my high school football career, I couldn’t help but reflect on the incredible journey that began over a decade...
The RHS community joined the rest of Americans on Monday, Nov. 11, to celebrate Veterans Day. Originally named Armistice Day, the federal holiday...
Scarlett Cantada spotlights the new Randolph Athletic Club, owned and run by local resident Nicole Lintner, where gymnastics, cheerleading, and...