Right before winter break, RHS students and staff celebrated Winter Week from Monday, Dec. 16 through Monday, Dec. 23. The festive six-day-long week included decorating school hallways and enjoying holiday-themed school days. Here’s a recap.
Monday, Dec. 16: Pajama Day
The week started out comfy and cozy, with students attending school in their pajamas. Many embraced the holiday spirit by wearing their most festive pair. “Pajama Day is one of my favorite days to dress up because I can relax in school while staying comfortable,” sophomore Shannon Collins said.
Tuesday, Dec. 17: Winter Sports Day
Tuesday gave RHS sports fans and players a chance to embrace their passion by wearing merch from their favorite winter sports teams. Some students promoted RHS athletics as well as professional winter sports such as hockey and basketball.
Wednesday, Dec. 18: Candy Cane Day
Wednesday showed the true holiday spirit of RHS students and faculty when they dressed in red and white clothing, making the school hallways look like a sea of walking candy canes.
“It’s fun to see the school have spirit; it makes the holidays enjoyable when everyone comes together as a community,” sophomore Kate Lyons said.
Thursday, Dec. 19: White Out
On Thursday, students and faculty dressed in white to resemble the snow that falls during the holiday season. Thursday was an exciting day for RHS as the annual Randolph police officers VS. RHS students’ volleyball tournament was held in the main gym during lunch.
Friday, Dec. 20: Flannel Friday
To close off the week, Flannel Friday consisted of students and faculty strutting their flannel printed clothing. Many students utilized this day to wear flannel PJ pants, leading this day to be a comfy way to end the week.
Monday, Dec. 23: Grinch Day
While the Monday before break was only a half day, students and staff still had some grouchy fun, as Grinch day allowed them to wear green or Grinch-themed clothes. “The Grinch was very fun and it brought the school together with everyone dressing up around the same movie,” sophomore Elisabeth Latch said.