RHS underclassmen had the opportunity to meet face-to-face with representatives from more than 60 colleges and universities at the annual spring College Fair, held at the high school on Wednesday, March 5.
Finding the right school can be challenging, so the fair helped the underclassmen in several ways. First, it motivated them to think more seriously about college, reminding them that it’s not as far off as it may seem. The fair also allowed students to get a closer look at where they might be spending the next four years of their lives after high school.
At the fair, freshmen, sophomores and juniors made their way around the schools’ many display tables, which were set up throughout the Commons. “It was nice to see all the different colleges and universities to hear more information about them,” sophomore Shayna Heller said.
Representatives from the many colleges and universities, some local and some from out of state, gave students insight into which schools they might be interested in attending. Schools like Penn State, NC State, Loyola, University of Maryland and Seton Hall seemed popular with students, as indicated by the crowds that lingered at their display tables.
Other universities that drew a large number of students included Binghamton, Sacred Heart, Montclair State and Drew. Representatives at these and other tables appeared eager to share details about academic programs, campus life and majors offered at their respective schools.
“I thought this was a highly successful college fair with an abundance of colleges represented, and many students attended looking to learn more about new colleges or seeking out colleges,” Dean of Students Lindsay Reilly said. “It’s great to see the students so excited to learn more about different college options.”
Students left the fair armed with brochures, stickers and a clearer understanding of what they might be looking for in a college. Many said it was helpful speaking with staff who actually worked on the campuses of the colleges and universities.
“The college fair allowed me to learn about my possible options for college, and it even sparked conversations about college with my parents,” sophomore Amelia Longa said. “I was interested in Rutgers, so learning more about it was helpful.”
To many, the college fair served as the first step in exploring different possibilities and considering what comes next after high school. With underclassmen facing another application season in the fall, many said they left the fair with a better grasp of what to expect and how to navigate the sometimes complicated process of choosing the right college for themselves.