The RHS theater program has quite a reputation for its outstanding performances. However, the people behind the scenes of these productions are often overlooked, including the RHS Tech Crew, whose expertise in the technical aspects of stage production helps bring out the best in high school shows.
The RHS Tech Crew consists of two main areas, lighting and sound. There may also be spotlight operators on hand, depending on the needs of the particular event or production.
“Lights and sound are what tie together an overall production,” director Jeorgi Smith explained. “When I first read a script, I always try to imagine what it looks and sounds like first before I start blocking. It’s important to me to come up with a full vision.”
The tech or control booth, where the sound and lighting boards are, is located in the back of the auditorium. For each production, two members of the crew work at the sound board. One physically operates the board, while the other calls out mic numbers to be turned on and off as scenes progress.
“I love the environment and just learning new things about the board every day,” sound board operator Olivia Madayag-Williams said.
Madayag-Williams also expressed her frustration with people’s perception of her role as a member of tech crew. “Our commitment to tech feels overlooked, especially because we haven’t been able to become an official club after a long time of trying.”
On the other side of the tech booth is the lighting board. Here is where the stage crew members call lighting cues and program lights. Three students typically work this area of the booth. Two operators run both lighting boards, and the stage manager is present to call cues for various crews.
“It’s all about precision,” lighting board operator Dane Fordahl said. “You need to make sure you are paying attention the entire show and listening to the stage manager. Programming lights is a whole different story. You must get used to the older equipment and build the lighting with the plot of the show.”
Students are trained to be self-sufficient in running the equipment. Therefore, typical day-to-day operations are managed by the students. Teachers and adults oversee the tech crew by solving potential problems that may occur as well as ensuring everyone’s safety.
Whether working on lighting or sound, all tech crew members are united in one common goal, to bring every RHS show to life with incredible commitment, dedication and effort.